-48 Vin, 12 Vout, DC-DC Power Shelves

- Up to six slots for PFF3000 PSU (up to 14.4 kW)
- Two separate DC Inputs (3 PSU are powered from one DC inlet)
- Redundant Configuration (3+3 or 5+1)
- Triple or Single Busbar for 12.5 VDC Output
- Network Attached Controller optional
- Communication via Ethernet and I2C / Power Management Bus
- Modifiable to 19" rack
Datasheets and Drawings
Email Form
- Up to six slots for PFF3000 PSU (up to 14.4 kW)
- Two separate DC Inputs (3 PSU are powered from one DC inlet)
- Redundant Configuration (3+3 or 5+1)
- Triple or Single Busbar for 12.5 VDC Output
- Network Attached Controller optional
- Communication via Ethernet and I2C / Power Management Bus
- Modifiable to 19" rack
Email Form
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